Thursday, October 30, 2008



The APS dog walk was held at Bibra Lake on the 26th October and what a great day it was. Miriam, our Thursday dog carer took Milo and I took Dixie. We walked the 6 kilometres around the lake and the dogs got along very well together. As we were walking around I noticed how much Milo loves Miriam. To see him look at her was so lovely. Both dogs enjoyed the sausage sizzle afterwards and caught up with some ex APS dogs, Smokey and Faith (now Kelly) who were also on the walk. Dixie and I spent time after the walk sitting on the grass area together and then took a short walk along the jetty. It was good for Milo and Dixie to spend time away from the refuge and enjoy a different day. I believe there was about 40 dog walkers on the day and the funds raised will go to help the refuge. Many thanks to all who supported our walk and to Tahlie (our Friday afternoon carer) for organising it. Dixie snoozed on the back seat of my car on the way home. When Dixie arrived back at the refuge she met Carolyn who showed interest in adopting her. After going home to think about it Carolyn came in on Monday and Dixie has now gone to her new home. I am sure she will give Dixie lots of love and a good home. Thankyou and best wishes to Carolyn. I will miss Dixie and will always remember our day out.